OPTION4WD - WORD -  #1185103
OPTION4WD - LOGO - #1243657

Option4wd New Zealand and SOUP Distribution LTD, are the owners of the renowned Option4WD logo, which stands as one of the most recognizable trademarks in New Zealand and the world. Joel Stirling, holds exclusive ownership of this trademark in New Zealand.

The Option4WD Company has garnered an impressive reputation and goodwill for its brand and products, both domestically and internationally. To safeguard the integrity of this trademark, Option4wd New Zealand has implemented a policy wherein only authorized dealers and closely associated organizations are granted permission to utilize the Option4wd name and logo.

This prudent measure ensures that consumers can trust the authenticity of products and services bearing the Option4wd name or logo, knowing they originate from either Option4wd New Zealand or a reputable and approved affiliate.

It is essential to recognize that any replication or importation of products featuring our trademark necessitates explicit permission from Option4wd New Zealand and Mr. Joel Stirling.

We must underscore that unauthorized use of the Option4WD trademark is viewed with utmost seriousness by Option4wd New Zealand. In cases of such infringement, we will not hesitate to enforce our rights to protect the integrity and value of our intellectual property.

Should you come across any instances of counterfeit products associated with our trademark, we kindly request you to promptly notify us by email. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Legal Counsel for Option4wd New Zealand & SOUP Distribution LTD


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